Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Awesome online storage for less than $2.5/month

Would you like 100GB online storage for less than $2.5/month?
Yes, this price is awesome. Less than $2.5/month.

OK, show me now the details of this awesome online storage.

You can reach your files through web or FTP with CyberDuck or ForkLift. And there is an official desktop app for Mac and Windows with built synchronization and scheduled backup.

The same S3 storage would be more expensive: $3/month + requests + data transfer.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Remote copy: the perfect rsync options

Sometimes you need to copy a big amount of data from a server to another. The best tool for this is rsync. The following rsync command copy only the file system changes and compress the data that transferred over the network.

sudo rsync -avz --delete --force --progress --stats -e ssh .

This command will create a need_to_copy directory on current directory with the all content of the source directory. You will see the

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

PHP performance and memory usage: How to implement a real life benchmark with PHP

I found a very interesting blog about PHP coding performance. Every PHP coder should read this blog. Measure and write code. In this order. Check this blog, right?

PHP performance and memory usage: How to implement a real life benchmark with PHP: To determine the maximum capacity of a web page, Apache ab is often used in the first step. Fetching one URL very often is optimal for cac...

Latest Firefox Beta Offers Powerful New Tools for Web Developers

The Developer Toolbar itself is really just a faster, easier way to get to the common web developer tools. To use it just hit the keyboard shortcut Shift-F2 and the Developer Toolbar will appear as a thin, dark gray strip along the bottom of the page.

To the right of the toolbar you’ll find buttons for the Inspector, Console and Debugger panels, but the real star of the Developer Toolbar is the new command line tool, which sits on the left side with a shell-style prompt. Mozilla refers to this as a “Graphical Command Line Interface,” an oxymoron that actually makes sense when you see it in action.

Learn more

Friday, August 31, 2012

How to produce real income your Wordpress site

All marketing expert know how important the good quality email list. Direct marketint is on of the most effective sales method on the world. You have a lot of visitors. I would like to know how many visitor will be customer. 1 from 100 or 1 from 1000 or less?

If you use wordpress you can collect e-mail addresses. And that point you have the control. You can sand offers, or studies newsletters for more thousand people. We have some customers who have Wordpress sites and they couldn't find effective solution for this problem. All visitors stay only few seconds on their sites, but they would subscribe a newsletter. I found the best Wordpress subscribers plug-in. for our customers. I'm sharing with you this plugin, maybe you can grow your profit instantly like my customers.

Even every week you can reach people who once give their e-mail address. The conversation is amazing.

Wordpress subscribers plugin

Friday, August 10, 2012

The secret of UTF-8 encoding websites

There is an important meta tag when you need to do an i18n or multi-language utf-8 website. You have to put this line in HTML code <head> section:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

There is another method. You can send HTTP header code about encoding. Here is a small PHP code as example:

header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');

You should use both method at the same time. If you don't want mysterious invalid chars on your page use these methods all your websites. Yes, on a simple English website. You never know when would you like a new language on your site or special character. use both and you enjoy UTF-8 chars.

Have you problem with UTF-8 php mail sending? 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fastest domain redirection

The http server redirection is the fastest. The server don't need to access filesystem before responding new location.
Nginx URL redirection example:
server {
    rewrite ^(.*)$1 permanent;